Organisational Change. Workplace Wellbeing grows Business Excellence
How to Deal with Burnout. Organisational & Wellness Coaching
To ensure that your organisation is well-prepared to meet the future of work, StartAnew supports your Executive leadership teams to navigate a complex, rapidly changing, increasingly uncertain and ambiguous world with high capability levels. The rapid re-prioritisation of ‘how’ we work has demanded immediate solutions for remote staff, new digitised tools; an enlarged mandate to support employee well-being; a hybrid workforce and a lot more.
The core shift in today’s workplaces has been from managing the employee experience to managing the life experience of their employees (Harvard Business Review, 2021).
StartAnew supports organisations, online or in person, who need highly experienced facilitation to integrate and navigate these levels of complexity. Particularly the management of the teams’ life experience and the need for designing new productive, congruent, high performing workplaces to meet future needs.
Tailored Programs for Organisational Change
Our three online and in-person tailored consultancy in organisational development, building skills & capacities, health and wellness are action-oriented, solution and future focused.
For your facilitated Organisational Change program, choose one of the options below:

Organisational Development
The future of work has arrived. Small to medium sized businesses are looking to scale up face unique workforce, human resources and innovation challenges. The health and wellness of the workforce is a priority as people opt for more flexible work environments. Collaboration between individuals and teams is essential as companies move across territorial borders. Respect for inclusivity and diversity in the workforce is paramount for breaking new ground with innovation. The days of a single line career path are over and competition to retain talented staff is increasing. As organisations adjust to the changing nature of work, they are re-evaluating how they derive value from their financial, human and technological capital.
To thrive (and not just survive) in a rapidly changing world, organisations must have strong alignment in their purpose, environmental, social and governance mandates alongside their core business of generating revenue or administering governmental policy.
StartAnew’s consultancy for organisational development addresses these complexities to support leaders to be entrepreneurial, strategic, innovative and build healthy high performing teams, increasing confidence and resilience in team members.
Building Skills & Capacities
StartAnew assists leaders and their teams to navigate the new worlds of work by addressing how organisations can successfully change and accommodate new ways of working by fostering meaningful diversity in thinking styles, skills and talent. Our change management approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the maturity and capability of the leadership cohort’s ability to respond with confidence to the challenges it faces and to step into the future.
StartAnew coaches the C-suite to build skills and capacities, grow high performing teams and build leadership pipelines. This includes increasing leaders’ abilities to motivate people, understanding and respecting diversity and inclusion, recruiting top talent based on value add and innovative potential. Radically shifting away from reward and punishment systems of interaction with teams, we encourage active engagement with teams so they become less risk averse, more self-directed, genuinely purpose-driven and motivated. If you are a small to medium sized organisation, this is an unbeatable combination.

Health and Wellness
Authentic, mindful leaders engender productive emotional and psychological responses from their teams and organisations. A safe and healthy environment leads to increased individual and team performance, which ultimately builds business returns and better service delivery.
Bullying, burnout, absenteeism, presenteeism are all symptoms of an unhealthy culture and workforce. Start Anew removes the stigma of an unhealthy culture by offering preventive coaching, psychotherapy and health programs for stress related organisational distress.
Leaders who focus holistically on the health of the workforce are more likely to achieve the outcomes they seek. StartAnew offers a unique bespoke integrated approach to health and wellness in organisations which assists all leaders to become responsible for assisting to build a healthy workplace. No longer is it possible to separate the personal lifestyle from the professional if the outcome is unhappy people. Leaders learn to intervene early and compassionately building healthy habits in themselves and others and targeting issues before they become problems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more about how we support organisational change?
StartAnew’s partnership with you is about sustainability and growth for your organisation and your people. We focus on developing the organisation systemically, honouring the learning needs of your people and the capabilities required to implement change. Communication styles differ as much as the personality of individuals in a team about to undergo change. Knowing how to communicate, when to communicate and what to communicate, we must first connect with our people and learn about each other before implementing change. Sharing a common purpose with meaningful work and helping teams to understand and tolerate differences goes a long way towards making change happen effortlessly. Having a clear road map that everyone can identify with is also critical for the collaboration in change that we seek. Start Anew focuses on the end point and communicates endlessly with people as we enter a “journey narrative” that is based on action research with constant feedback loops and iterations..
Leaders in the 80s and 90s used to think long working hours were a badge of honour. We now know better that long working hours lead to burnout, lack of productivity, mental health issues and a resentful depleted workforce. Leaders are reorienting themselves to focussing on the lifestyle of an organisation, fostering healthy habits and responses in themselves and others. Have you ever heard someone say ‘they work hard and play hard?’ Another myth we have absorbed is that the people who are ‘naturally’ resilient (young, healthy, athletic) are the best employees. This is a time limited response and ignores the diversity drive needed for innovation and growth. It also ignores more than half the population. We need people of all ages and phases of life and experience who need support to give their best.
Constantly ‘busy’ and tech connected, working long hours, juggling family and work, sitting too long at your desk, eating on the run – these factors all contribute to mental burnout. Ongoing stress leads to chronic health problems, low productivity, decreased motivation and energy, and eventually burnout. If the organisation cannot creatively address these challenges in the long term, a vicious circle arises. StartAnew helps organisations deal with burnout by fostering resilience and motivation so individuals and teams work in healthier ways.
Start Anew’s Lifestyle design program is for individuals, teams and organisations. Creativity and innovation require that people have down time to think and dream. Have you ever looked longingly at a workplace or a home that has lots of windows, break out areas, plants and open space? If every hour of a person’s contribution to family life or work life is a task list or can be quantified in billable hours, there is little time for experimentation. The lifestyle of an organisation is about creating an environment for this to happen, a recognition that people need down time to refresh, exercise, great food, holidays and shared recreational time to thrive and flourish. Innovation is driven by diversity in the workforce and that has a range of health and wellness needs. We want to foster our own unique capabilities and keep talented people in our life and workforce. It is not always how much we do, it is whether what we do contributes to improved quality of life and productivity, new ideas and perspectives.
At StartAnew we foster a healthy, safe and supportive environment for organisational, personal and professional growth by promoting human capital. Wellness coaching services and Lifestyle design can be provided to assist organisations to position themselves for increased productivity and innovation. A healthy environment is psychologically safe, less risk averse where people are more likely to be creative and come up with innovative solutions. Start Anew uses a range of self-assessment tools, motivational mapping, the PR6 Resilience Scale and focus groups to conduct regular psychological health and innovation checks in your organisation.
StartAnew’s investment in our clients’ organisational success is created through highly personalised relationships, not a ‘one size fits all’ methodology. We have a deep respect for our clients’ context of social history and culture while sensitively fostering future perspectives. In our experience, organisations that seek out diversity, including divergent thinking styles, are well placed to avoid career burnout syndrome and stimulate creativity. and innovation. Careers then remain vibrant, people can let go of outgrown narratives which no longer serve them and design a new future.
The advent of COVID means that traversing work and home is the new ‘normal’. This has opened an in-between space for the personal and professional. In our new workplaces, we have privileged access to our colleagues’ worlds.
Wellness programs at work and at home are now being requested by the smartest leaders to address the uncertainty and challenges of the new world of work. Not everyone has a luxurious or optimal environment in which to live and work. People can feel isolated and alone.
StartAnew focuses on supporting people to live and perform at their best wherever they are. We shine a spotlight on self-care, mindfulness, emotional regulation when working remotely or in the office.